Earlier this year, Bethany hosted a group of former college roommates for a 20 year reunion of sorts. These ladies have spread around the world since college to as far away as the Middle-East and Brazil.
It was a sweet time to catch up and with one gal in particular, Bethany specially connected. This woman, now married and with three kids is serving at an international school in western Brazil, where NTM missionaries serve along side of other ex-pat and Brazilian missionaries. This team serves kids whose parents are working to reach the unreached all over Brazil.
As Bethany and Brin spent hours talking over the course of the visit, the idea for us to take a trip down there came up.
And later in the summer, as we thought and prayed more about it, the idea began to look more and more possible.
We have the chance to go down and over ten days encourage this team practically in how they are communicating about what they do and the needs they, as a school and as individual missionaries, have. We would also have some other unique opportunities to serve these servants and co-workers of ours.
Right from the beginning, we realized that this would be a trip that we would need to raise funds for and that wasn’t daunting at all. God has provided for every need we have ever had and if He is for us going on this trip, we trust He’ll provide.
We’re raising the money to go and you can help us in a few different ways. And before you do any of these things, will you pray for God to guide us in either providing the funds we need, or by telling us to stay, by not giving us what is needed right now?
[button url=”http://go.ntm.org/pottertrip” target=”” size=”small” style=”cherry” icon=”” popup=”” title=””]Give to our project[/button] [button url=”https://blogs.ethnos360.org/joel-potter/2015/09/28/brazil-bound-the-details/” target=”” size=”small” style=”cherry” icon=”” popup=”” title=””]Read more detail[/button]