In our previous episode
How do you recap a whole year? Well, actually Bethany did a pretty good job. If you need a recap, please checkout the year-end letter that went out in December of 2024 for a great way to get up to speed.
A New Year
Bethany and I started ministry with our new teams, and we’re now serving with co-workers who are also close friends in the Communications and Mobilization teams. These teams work together toward inviting and equipping more believers to serve God with Ethnos360. We’ll dive into the specifics of what we’re doing in a later edition but suffice it to say, for both of us, we think we’re fitting right in where we need to be and love serving with a healthy team. Thank You for praying for this!
How’s our health? It’s OK…ish. Bethany has recovered from pneumonia but we sometimes notice what feels like some after-effects. As a result of reaching the limit of our deductible and out-of-pocket expenses, she was able to see a few other specialists to help with some other health issues. Kate is making slow progress following major surgery to her left knee. She just started 3x-weekly physical therapy and we expect that to really help her mobility. She’s still using crutches and a brace BUT she’s back at school (after missing the first week of the new year). Her recovery will take most of this year. Please be praying that she puts her heart and mind into the physical work needed to fully recover.
How’s the family doing otherwise? We are doing well. In many ways, 2024 was every bit as hard as 2023 was and we’re happy to see much of it far off in the rear-view mirror. The year did bring growth inside our hearts and in the way we think about our lives. We can see peace and contentment growing in parts of our minds that were unimaginable before. It’s encouraging to see days blend into weeks which blend into months of improved mental health on the part of many of us. We recently celebrated a sweet milestone as Bethany hit 50 years old and it was a meaningful way to reflect on the recent growth she’s experienced.
Coming up…
- More details about our new ministries (which brings the return of travel plans)
- We are on track to pay off the debt we’ve been working on, by the middle of this year
- Owen heads into the second half of his senior year. What might be next??
So, as we close this first edition of Spokes in the Wheel, our hope is in the relationship that God, Yahweh to be exact, has invited us to have with him, a personal, dynamic relationship made possible by his Son, who became like us, Jesus the Christ. It’s not in financial freedom, not in fulfilling ministry, not in health stability. Those are all passing. But friendship with GOD never passes away!
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