It’s time for another edition of Good News, Greater Commission and this time around we’ve got sweet news from the Philippines, a prayer request for a team serving all the way up in the Arctic Circle, and a brand new event starting here in Florida just a month from now. Let’s roll… 😂

For the last few years, Ethnos Canada has been exploring how to share the gospel and plant churches in a culturally relevant and sensitive way with the people groups in their own country. Instead of steamy jungles and tropical mountaintops, imagine permafrost and seals and a written language that appears to be a science fiction like script.
Brandt and Lanie, are a couple with young kids who are a part of a team who have moved to Iqaluit, the northernmost city in Canada which is populated mostly by people of Inuit descent. Here’s the prayer request: while in the early stages of acclimating to the area and studying language, Brandt was in a horrific ATV accident and after a fight for his life, was airlifted to a hospital in Ottawa where he just underwent almost 10 continuous hours of surgery to repair the damage. Brandt’s recovery will take a long time…but his family is undaunted by the task of building relationships in the far north in the hopes of introducing the one who made all things to the Inuit people there. Let’s pray for Brandt and Lanie and their family while they trust the Lord through this. Here’s a link to a post from Ethnos Canada with more details.

In a few well-established indigenous churches in the Philippines, there’s some really sweet outreach happening. The Church in both the Higaunon and the Tagbanwa people groups are active and taking outreach seriously. There’s a great story about the Higaunon women saving up money weekly, whatever they could, to purchase a motorbike for one of the church-leaders in order for him to more efficiently be able to travel to the other locations the church is reaching out to.
At the same time, Joel’s been working on a documentary about the Tagbanwa church which likewise has taken outreach seriously. From the location of the “Mother Church” to the farthest villages where people of the same language group live, 140 miles separate them. That’s not a hike. That’s an epic trek. So, the Church all over the world from their own midst to the church in the west have provided over the years for 35 motorcycles to be donated to the Bible Teachers in the Tagbanwa church who are making their way around the island of Palawan, working to reach everyone who has yet to hear. You can read more about the Higaunon story here

Do you live here in the Central Florida area? We’re hosting a monthly gathering open to the public, especially young adults. It’s our heart to challenge the Church at large to take the Great Commission seriously…but at the same time, to make it doable. For a lot of Christians, the first step towards this is understanding it better. So, each month we’re hosting a gathering here at the Ethnos360 Home Office that’s anchored by live worship and an informed talk from various speakers inside and outside of Ethnos360 and an actionable next step. Simple combo, right? Our friends up at EBI (Ethnos360 Bible Institute) have been hosting these gatherings for the last three years and we’re pumped to see them start here! Follow their new Instagram here (and snag a free t-shirt if you sign up to come!) and download this PDF for more details on the events.