# 4 Communicate
Right now you are reading my blog. Even so, you may never have thought about the fact that one of the things I do with my days is write stuff so that others can read it.
I send out an update about once a month (here’s hoping!), and try to keep my blog relatively current. I attempt to keep prayer requests circulating among the people praying for this ministry. I write thank-yous to supporters and answer emailed questions from churches.
Even Facebook and Instagram are ways that certain of “my people” keep up-to-date on the work and ministry here with the Nahuatl. At times these communication challenges can be daunting, or seem like simply another thing on the to-do list.
I am convinced, however, that keeping other believers up-to-speed on the ministry is crucial. They are involved through their prayers, their resources, and their finances, and part of our job is to share the experience with them. I want them to rejoice in conjunction with our celebrations here and mourn with us in our hardships and trials.
There is great joy in remembering that we are part of a universal effort to reach the lost nations for God’s glory. So, thank you for reading. Thank you for asking questions. Thank you for learning, and praying, and giving, and being part of what is happening here.