Thanksgiving – more than an American holiday! A time to thank God.
Psalm 95:1-3 (NKJ) Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is the great God, And the great King above all gods.
Thanksgiving Our hearts overflow with thanksgiving for God’s many gifts and blessings, the most important being that Jesus is our Savior! We’re thankful for our home; we’re expecting up to seven extra for our Thanksgiving Dinner. We’re thankful for family and friends; Robert will be with us as well as one of Lance’s cousins and his wife along with other friends. We’re thankful for good health. And we’re thankful for YOU who pray for and partner with us financially so that we can continue to work on translation for the Higaunon!
Translation Lance continues to translate Jeremiah and is more than half way through the book. He hopes to finish it before we fly to the Philippines, God willing in February. We booked our tickets last night, as we found them at a good price. Click here if you want to help with our trip or you can write to us for more details. Thank you for praying for us!
Tribal Church Conference We heard from Jennings that there was a tribal wide conference last week. It culminated in a graduation of 12 people who have been in training for church planting ministries in un-reached Higaunon villages. Isn’t that exciting!? Thank you for praying for the Higaunon!
Therapy The decompression therapy for Lance’s herniated discs in his lower back continues and he thinks it is helping. We won’t know for sure until he has a follow up MRI. Thank you for praying for Lance’s back.
Thank YOU Yes indeed… Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday. It’s something we should do daily. Let us come before His presence with THANKSGIVING!
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance & Laura
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