Thank you for praying for us as we checked Leviticus translation. We finished in eight days and it went smoother than we expected.
We gave our translation assistants a few days break before we start again. Tomorrow morning (Monday, April 18) we will start checking the book of Numbers. Again we ask that you please pray for us. Like we’ve said before, it’s not like we’re translating a novel or someone’s biography; this is the Word of God and we don’t want to make mistakes.
Yesterday we enjoyed witnessing the baptism of fourteen young people. Please pray for them to be faithful to the Lord. Four of them are from other places. The church leaders are hoping they will one day be able to teach the Word of God in their home villages.
Thank you for partnering with us as we work to help equip the Higaunon church with more scripture.
Secure in His love,
Lance & Laura
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