MEMORY LANE: Thirty-three years ago this week we moved into the Higaunon village that we’ve called “home” in the Philippines. We joined our coworkers, Ron and Michelle Jennings, in the work where they had been for two years.The gospel had just been presented a few months before we moved there.
We’ve seen God accomplish so much in the years since:
- The death of the first Higaunon missionary, which brought much growth to the church
- The “sifting” of the church through persecution
- Many baptisms
- The discipleship and training of many Bible teachers
- The completion of the New Testament;
- The gospel has since gone out to 19 other villages (The above picture is a representation of those villages.)
The ministry continues today with translation of the Old Testament as we endeavor to see as much of the Scripture as possible given to the Higaunon in their own language.
PLEASE PRAY: We could not have done this work without your prayers and financial support! Please continue to PRAY and give as God leads so we can continue with the translation work. The Higaunon church is thankful for your part in helping us give more of God’s Word to them.
TICKETS: Though we have not yet purchased tickets, we’ve been looking online at prices for our next trip, early next year, the Lord willing. Please pray with us about when to buy and what airline to go with. To be honest, we’ve had to be very careful about spending since taking on a mortgage. Having our own home here in the U.S. has been such a huge blessing. Please pray with us for more ministry partners so we can continue to minister to the Higaunon, making these annual trips for checking translation.
JENNINGS: Pray for Ron and Michelle as they are back in the Philippines and will be back in the village soon. Praise God, Ron was able to get medication there in Australia to take back for his heart issues. Praise also for the helicopter being in service for our region and what a blessing it is to our coworkers there!
THANK YOU: Thank you for your partnership with us! We can’t help but think of our life verse in times like these: “Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance & Laura
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