Through the LORD’S mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, Great is Your faithfulness. Lam 3:22-23
In this update: Travels ● A Surprise ● Miscellaneous ● Thank you
Travels: In our last update we reported that I (Laura) was sick with bronchitis and an eye infection. Praise the Lord I recovered and we made our scheduled trip. I was not able to share the driving as much as I normally do as I was still not 100%. By the time we arrived, I was feeling much better. We traveled to Florida where we took part in a workshop at our Ethnos360 office, saw some dear friends and attended our sending church. We then traveled to Alabama where we were spoiled by friends and Lance spoke in a partnering church. (We are at a friend’s lake house in the above picture. It was very restful with no cellphone signal.)
A surprise: We arrived home Monday the 17th in time to clean the house for my brother and sister in law’s arrival on Tuesday. Then we all went to a family wedding where Robert surprised me by arriving just minutes before the ceremony of my grandniece. Precious memories were made in our time with family.

Miscellaneous: Covid continues to spread in the Philippines; restrictions continue and things change rapidly regarding allowing people into the country. Recent reports have been shared with us of several hospitals at full capacity of Covid patients. Some of our coworkers were ready to go back, only to find out their flights were cancelled or when ready to purchase tickets found the cost at $4,000 to $5,000 for one round trip ticket! Please pray that things will change soon.
Thank you: We have been introducing some of the Higaunon Bible teachers in our updates. Pictured here is Pogong – an old picture of him and we don’t have one with his wife Pus-ay. Please pray for him and his wife as they minister in an outreach. There are always many challenges for these men and their families as they minister to others. Thank you for praying.

Once again we are so thankful to God for our home where work continues on the Higaunon translation. My birthday was yesterday and we got to do a video call with Nicole and family in East Asia. A sweet family from church invited us for supper followed by a home-made cake for my birthday, and special gifts from the kids. We went to a place called “Ten Acre Rock” which was beautiful! While we were there I received a nice call from Robert who had arrived safely home. Thanks to social media many people greeted me with birthday wishes. It was a wonderful day.
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance & Laura
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