And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalms 90:17
Where did the month of March go?! I guess in truth all of the months are going by very quickly. This month began with Lance’s birthday. It ends with our youngest biological grandson’s birthday, which was also my grandfather’s birthday. My grandmother’s birthday was the 17th, my mother’s was the 23rd, and Lance’s father’s birthday was the 25th. (He was born 108 years ago, but he passed away at age 51.) Several other family birthdays happened this month—too many to list. But we are grateful to God for being able to celebrate more birthdays as well as remembering loved ones who are with the Lord.
Work on the Higaunon translation continues. Lance finished checking Isaiah. Now he is going to be checking the book of Daniel.

Lance will be helping to facilitate an online “Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Workshop” beginning next week.
In addition, both of us have been asked to help facilitate an onsite SYIS workshop at Village Bible Church in Arkansas. We’ll be up there April 22nd and May 7th. Doing these workshops is something we really enjoy, and we always grow through them. Please pray for the participants and for us as we prepare for the workshops.
Please pray
1) On March 21, tornados swept through Texas and Oklahoma. We were under a tornado warning and are thankful it didn’t hit us. However, several communities near us were hit, resulting in a lot of devastation and loss. We were able to help the Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief team distribute relief goods last Friday and Saturday. We drove through one of those areas Saturday afternoon, and it was amazing to see some of the damage.
2) Last Tuesday in a nearby community, a tragic accident took the lives of six teenage girls whose car was hit by a semi-truck. Life is precious, and the brevity of life has been on our minds much this past week. May our lives count for eternity!
Thank you
As always, we are very grateful for each of you who partner with us in prayer and financial support. Please let us know how we can pray for you.
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance and Laura
[…] In our last update, we had several prayer requests. Thank you for praying. We are helping facilitate SYIS in a church and online. More about that in our next update. Thank you for your partnership with usSecure in Christ,Lance and LauraPS: click here if you missed our last update. […]