Looking at the recent articles about Isnei and Zitiila, the two Manjui missionaries, and the ministry with the seventy Pai Tavy Tera kids... as I consider our part in these and other ministries, ..consider all the LORD is doing... I can't help but think of the many people who are faithfully praying for us.
Paraguay Para Mi
"It was very helpful and beneficial, especially the culture and language sessions with Paraguayan people. I wish I had known some of the things I've learned now, earlier in life here."
2nd Pastors and Leaders Forum
"Many we're talking with people about Jesus, but they don't know who God or Jesus really are, and in the end don't truly understand the Gospel message at all."
1st Pastors/Leaders Forum
October 11th, NTM Paraguay hosted its first Pastors/Leaders Forum.
Prep for Pastors/Leaders Forum
October 11th, NTM Paraguay will host its first Pastors/Leaders Forum.
The Lord provided a Van
We were shopping for a vehicle for a long time, it seemed. God provided us with a beautiful 1999 Toyota Noah van.
Worldview and Animism
If we are to clearly share the truths of the Gospel and Scripture, we need to understand how people are understanding and interpreting what we say.