I’m turning a new leaf. Here comes a year of shorter newsletters! Whoohoo!
What inspired this change? It all came about from a thank-you party.
My dear friend and coworker, Debbie Burgett, decided to have a monthly thank-you writing party at her house and invited everyone to come. We talked about how community with friends is built more around “doing life together” and doing the things we need to do with others, instead of going to “social events” that just add to our already busy schedule. So the party serves a two-fold purpose!
But, Debbie did mention that she didn’t read my last newsletter because it was so long, and she usually does read it. And I think it was the longest I have written! Due to travels, I had three months of things to report about. I really didn’t know how to condense it all, so I rediscovered my blog and wrote about each topic. Then I wrote the normal September update, and then included blog links to all my previous topics about the previous two months below. Yes, it was a long letter.
I did note however, that I always read my friend Naomi’s letters because they are so short. Always. And that got me thinking… I looked at her letter length and then also remembered the one-minute radio stories we write are about 9 sentences, plus intro. That’s about the same length as her newsletter. And I usually want to know more! Sometimes I even email her with questions.
So, I am going to try this year to write shorter newsletters to bless people with fewer words. And maybe I’ll hear back from a few people too.
I’ll use my blog to get out all my ideas in full-out writing form. Then just pick a few things to include in my newsletter.
I’m so glad Debbie is having a monthly thank-you party. I thought I had everything together, but I’m learning that doing life with people is so much better. We can really be a blessing to each other by bringing what we have to table and encouraging one another.
See my newly revised October letter here. I’m also excited about trying to include more photos that link to stories to give people a simple visual picture of what God is doing!
What’s something you’re doing today, that you can do with a family member or friend? You may give or receive an unexpected blessing!
Christy says
I have friends who do quick weekly updates. Not only can I read them in under a minute, I feel like I can participate in real time.
David Abbott says
Observing your own behavior when reading email can be a good way to evaluate your own writing. Another way to learn is to track open and click rates using a service like MailChimp. Time is one of our most valuable resources and we must respect people’s use of it when communicating.