Coming Your Way
We are excited to see what the Lord is doing among the Agutaynen people. God’s Word continues to be taught each week, and there are still many (about 100) who are faithfully coming to hear. Please continue to pray for all those who are coming, that they will place their trust in Christ alone as their Savior. Our family only has a couple more months that we will have the privilege of being a part first-hand of seeing God work among the Agutaynens. We will miss them while we are in the States for our year of Home Assignment.
At the same time, we are excited to come see you! We have recently purchased our tickets, and will be arriving into Michigan at the end of April! Already, we have several meetings scheduled in churches, and we are looking forward to sharing with each one. We want to personally thank you for your prayer and generous giving in partnership with the ministry among the Agutaynens.
You can use this link to see when we will be in your area (https://blogs.ethnos360.org/stephen-jordan/furlough-itinerary/). We remember our last Home Assignment year flew by very quickly, and we weren’t able to see everyone as we would have liked. Let’s not let that happen again! We want to see you when we are in your area! We will be updating this itinerary frequently as new meetings are scheduled.