Quarantine wasn’t all fun and games, but Ginger did her best to make sure we had plenty of games to keep us from . . . who knows what. We played games like Mexican Train, Survivor, Encore, Mad Gab, and Guesstures. The boys snuck outside to throw their new Vortex Nerf footballs. And everyone, except Ginger, entered some pretty nasty Nerf Dart battles. Who knew one could draw blood playing Nerf? We also spent many hours putting a mystery puzzle together. Not easy, but as you can see, we didn’t get bored.
Quarantine wasn’t all warm either. Upon arrival to Michigan, we quickly found our winter clothes in storage and wore sweatshirts and sweaters most of the time.
During this time also, we were able to schedule a couple more churches to share in and a workshop for us to attend. And Ginger was able to spend some time on Shutterfly, putting together family albums and our newest storybook for kids: Chona, God’s Teacher in the Philippines. This storybook is the third book in a series, and she will read it to kids as we visit churches this year.
Stephen was able to write several “Bookmark Updates” for various Agutaynens you have been praying for. These updates will be sent over the next few weeks to those who signed up to receive them.
And now, we are just counting the hours left of quarantine. We are so thankful for our home church, Jenison Bible Church, our Core Group, and for family who took care of our shopping and provided meals during our quarantine. Oh, how we had missed milk! In the 14 days of quarantine, we went through 8 gallons of milk!
Thank you for your prayer as we have made it through our quarantine healthy and ready to get on with life and ministry.