Here in the States, we have spring showers, flowers blooming, and trees are budding. However, back in the Philippines, it is very, very dry in the village where we work. We have heard that the wells are running dry, and the rice fields are barren.
Today, there is only an 8% chance of rain in the village. Because several of the wells in the village have already dried up, many people are walking to their neighbor’s neighbor who might have water. Their thoughts cry out and say, “Give us water!” If only their souls would cry out and say, “Give us Living Water!” We hear that people are going to the church, where the well still has water. Again, we hope they wouldn’t just desire the physical water, but more importantly, the spiritual water that is available.
Please pray for the villagers that they will receive both rain, and Jesus the Living Water. May the believers who have water, freely give of their water to their neighbors, and also, share the Truth with them.