The 7th Sports Bible Camp (SBC) broke records numerically and geographically with over 100 players in attendance from two locations. What does this mean? The spread of the Gospel went further than ever before. Praise the Lord!

After weeks and months of preparing and training, we expected God, the Head Coach, to put us, Stephen and Ginger, into the game for SBC. However, days before the start of camp, God chose to put us on the bench . . . with dengue fever. So, with us out, who did God send in? The Jenison Bible Church (JBC) team arrived from the States, and they jumped into the game and led worship and ran basketball and volleyball drills. They didn’t let language barriers get in the way.

Along with the JBC team, the local believers participated in other activities of the camp, including Boboy teaching the evangelistic lessons.

Along with the team from Jenison Bible Church and the team of believers from Faith Bible Church in the village, Stephen’s parents, Darryl and Becky, worked hard all week to feed the team and make sure we could do as much as possible. We are so thankful for how the body of Christ worked together during this week!

Now, a week after SBC, the Jenison Bible Church has returned safely to the States and the camp is just a memory. Is it just a memory? We hope not. We hope lives were changed for God’s glory. We hope the JBC team members returned to the States with a joy, knowing that God used them. We hope the players received the Good News that was shared with them, and we hope many of them will attend Youth Group, starting in September. Most of all, we pray that God was glorified both through our weakness and inabilities due to sickness and through the team that He put together of both Americans and Filipinos working together to see the Word go forth.

Thank you for praying for this evangelistic outreach, and for praying and giving so that the Jenison Bible Church team could come. Through your prayer, you have been part of the worldwide team that is sharing the Gospel to the ends of the earth.