You are familiar with phrases like “Passing the Plate” and “Passing the Baton,” but are you familiar with “Passing the Pail?” As far as we know, this isn’t an idiom but literally what has been happening here in the Philippines.
After completing the church building in 2019 for the believers of Faith Bible Church, they expressed a desire for an outside Filipino kitchen (a place to cook with open fires). So, after many years and God providing the funds through His people, we have begun this new construction.
After a few days of preparation by digging holes; and bending, tying, and placing rebar, the workers passed the pail yesterday, from one man to another. What were they doing? Literally, passing the pail of cement, over and over, until a few footings were poured. Lord willing, Monday, they will pass the pail again and finish all the footings. Throughout the next several weeks, they will keep on bending rebar and passing the pail until all the foundation beams, columns, and the header beams are filled with cement. This is a very slow process by hand, but by doing so, the whole building will be tied together . . . the building will be tied together. Like this physical building, we desire to see the believers tied together, not by cement, but by unity, love, faith, and purpose.