Thanksgiving in the Philippines looks and feels a little different than your Thanksgiving. The colors of Thanksgiving in the States will include orange, red, yellow, and maybe brown. The color in the Philippines is . . . green . . . green grass . . .green leaves. The weather in States is probably a cool 50, maybe 60 degrees Fahrenheit with a chance of snow tonight, while in the Philippines we are still in the 90’s. In the States, the centerpiece on the dining room table will be a nice turkey that will feed many mouths for many days. Here in the Philippines, we have a four-pound chicken. You will probably be surrounded by family, and we will enjoy this celebration with Stephen’s parents.

Like many of you, we will take a day and praise the Lord for the many blessings He has given us this year. Our blessings would include:
- God, who gave His Son Jesus to die for us so that we could have a relationship with Him.
- Our four children, three in the States and one still with us in the Philippines. All of them are learning, growing, and serving the Lord.
- Twenty-four years of life and ministry in the Philippines.
- The believers here in the Philippines who are also learning, growing, and serving the Lord.
- You! All of you who pray with us and give sacrificially so that we can continue in full-time service to our wonderful Lord.
What are you thankful for this year? How has God blessed you? We would love to hear your answers.