This is a quick post to share our updated prayer card. If you want to print it as a photo, it should print as a 4×6 print quite easily. We’d be happy to mail you one as well, just drop us a line!
It’s that time of year again, when the school year ends and many of the support workers who serve at the school go back to their home countries for a well-deserved rest. Some families are returning to their home countries to get their graduating senior settled into their new school, while some of us remain […]
We recently received an update from the team in Wantakia. They’ve done an excellent job in telling the 5 reasons they’re here, why we’re all here, and it’s well worth sharing. You can read more about this team working with the Wantakia on their blog:
“We’re suffering here,” Bill joked over the phone to the pastor from our home church, as he described the late December* weather here in Papua New Guinea. We were having another 85 degree day, while our home state of Wisconsin was getting snow again. Bill was sharing about our life and work here, and highlighted […]
Coming to the field, we expected to be working cross-culturally. After all, we’d be living in a country not our own, with the PNG people who live and think differently from us. Living among them, learning the PNG language, and discovering cultural differences came as no surprise to us. What is catching me off guard […]
As I mentioned in our update letter, we’d have a video here and quite a few pictures to share with ya’ll! The last 2 months have been a time of adjustment and learning for our family. Most of the pictures speak for themselves, so I’ll let them do what they do best! Aute is our […]
Wow! What a week! Or well uh, two weeks now. Part of us feels like we just stepped (stumbled, tripped, fell..) out of the plane yesterday while part of us feels like we’ve been here some time already. For those who don’t know, we got to fly in one of NTMA’s (New Tribes Mission Aviation) […]
“Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is the whole duty of man.” -Ecclesiastes 12:13 The Spirit has laid that verse on my heart recently and I wished to share it. Granted, that verse has nothing to do with our news, or does it? I’ll let you answer that question for yourselves. Our passports […]
Our applications for entry into PNG were approved, but as you may have heard, we’re still waiting for the official stamps to be entered into our passports. The process is taking longer than expected for several reasons. Someone important in the immigration office of PNG died this week, some offices have been moving, and computers […]
As we close out 2016, we wished to share our family’s Christmas with you. It’s been a good month of seeing family, friends, and celebrating the birth of our Lord!