Blood splattered everywhere! Well, it wasn’t real blood. But as Elias stabbed the sheep cutout and broke the zip-lock bag full of red-stained juice, the effect was still pretty vivid. The picture was clear. Adam and Eve had rebelled against God and a couple of leaves just weren’t sufficient. God was providing a covering, and that covering included the shedding of blood.
This week, the Uriay will be hearing about Cain and Abel, how Cain came to God on his own terms, rather than on God’s. Brother kills brother. Then the story of Noah and the flood. There was only one way for Cain and Abel to be accepted by God. There was only one way that people would survive the flood – and all but 8 people chose not to come to God on His terms and they were destroyed. These stories will continue to drive home the point that there is only one way to God – He provides the road but people must choose it for themselves. Pray that the Uriay will begin to see and believe in God’s Plan.
Pray for clarity and wisdom in teaching and conversations. Continue to pray for God to do the work in the lives of the Uriay people and open their understanding of His Salvation Plan. Pray the missionary team will continue to rest in what God is doing.