The fall of 2022 has been different for Tina and I. Usually I am teaching the Tech Specialist course from August to December, but this year we did not have any students. So I am working on finishing up the grounds around our new building.
Here are some of the topics that I usually teach when we have a Tech Specialist Course.
Welding Class
Small Engine Class
Constructions Skills
Refrigeration Class
Electronics Class
Now with no class to teach I can turn my attention to the new building and finishing up all the ground work around the building.
Starting with the front lawn.
Going from this…
To this…
To finally this! We have a few spots to attend to but over all I am thankful how it turned out.
Yet it could not have been completed without a lot of hand work.
With the lawn project completed I have been focusing my attention on the road in front of the building.
This road project has not been easy from the start. Our first order of business was to survey the entire road to see at what level we are at. We found that the road was 8 inches over its final grade in some places and 6 inches low in others. So we focused our attention on getting the 8 inches down to our sub-grade and our 6 inches up to our sub-grade. This took a lot of grading but I am thankful for this old, gear driven grader. This piece of equipment may be old but it does a great job on building and maintaining roads.
I have the road done as much as I can right now. My next task is to build up the hillside beside the road. This will involve a lot of material sifting. Where we go from this..
To this…
To putting on the hillside and doing spreading and packing, to..
As you can see we have put a lot of material on the hillside but more is needed so once it dries out I am off to sift more material.
While I am playing in the dirt, Tina has been blessing the campus with her cooking skills. She takes care of the now large coffee break on Thursday. This started out as a regular break, with may be some small snacks to Tina spending hours making all types of snacks, every week. She also makes the snacks out of different ingredients so that ones with special dietary needs are able to enjoy the snacks as well. People who do not usually go to break go to break on Thursdays because they know Tina is making snacks. So now this day in the week has a new name “Tina Thursdays”, in honor of her.
Child care is also another one of Tina’s ministry’s. She works taking care of the students children one day a week and when ever they need her. She does this so that the students can focus on learning about cross-cultural ministry, knowing that their children are being well taken care of.
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