Sing to the LORD, For He has done excellent things… Isaiah 12:5a (NKJV)
Biannual seminar
Every May and November, the Higaunon church holds a seminar for the church leadership and their wives. The meetings in May are held in a different location. The meetings in November, are held in the village where we live.
I was invited to speak at this year’s seminar a couple weeks before we left the village. This involved hiking up the steep mountain trail and riding on a “habalhabal”. This is a motorcycle with a bench along each side that can hold 6-12 people. It took just over an hour to get there.

They had asked me to speak throughout the morning sessions and it went very well. In the past, the number of attendees was between 30 and 60 people. This year, there were 150 in attendance. (See the picture above.) I didn’t know many of them as they are relatively new to the ministry. Please pray for the Higaunon church as they minister in fifty villages.
We were surprised and blessed by something the Higaunon women did at the end of their seminar. Over eighteen months, each woman gave a peso (P58=$1.00) a day towards the purchase of a motorcycle. They surprised one of the church leaders in a distant village with this gift. He was in tears and the whole assembly was blessed.

We left the village May 23rd and spent several days at our guesthouse. We had a great time celebrating Laura’s birthday with friends. Ron and Michelle arrived from their time in Australia on the 26th and we had a great time together over dinner.
Global equip intensive:
We spent May 30 to June 3 in Baguio City with our online students, some alumni, and fellow advisors with Global Equip. The main theme was Positional Truth from Ephesians 1:3-14. It was a great time and topped off with the graduation of our seven students. Please pray for these graduates as they apply what they’ve learned to their ministries.
Back in the US:
We had a good flight back to the states and arrived safely at our Oklahoma home on Friday, June 7th. Several challenges met us when we arrived and we are thankful for wisdom in dealing with a broken faucet in the yard and a door that wouldn’t open.
Thank you:
Once again, we are so thankful for each of you who partner with us so we can do what we do.
Secure alone in Christ’s love,
Lance and Laura
[…] Secure in Christ’s love,Lance & LauraClick here to read our last update. […]