Trip to Dinangat as a family
During the last school break we were able to fly into Dinangat as a family for 10 days. It was so good to go home! We loved going back to our place after not having been there as a family since the end of June. The girls were able to sleep in and relax and just get away from the stress of school. Ralf and I were able to take much time for checking the translation for comprehension with our translation helpers and were able to get a lot done during that time while we also enjoyed this time very much as a family. Please keep praying for us that we would always have enough time with and for the girls and give them what they need despite of all the work we have.
Dinangat church
As a church we are currently learning from Philippians. “…that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,…” (Phil.2:15)
In the Ladies Meeting we talked about how important it is for us to not only talk about our faith but also to live it out before those that don’t know Him yet and also in front of our own children. If they don’t see our walk with our Lord how will they themselves learn to walk with Him? If we only talk about our faith to them but not live our lives in joy, peace and love how will they believe the gospel?
Also in the Bible Teachers/Elders Meeting Felix talked about this and said, “I think that I have been wasting so much time. Rengke (unbeliever) visits me almost daily but often times we are just talking about unimportant stuff. I really want to use this time, be a light to him and talk to him about our Savior.“
Please pray for the Dinangat church that they would be shining as lights there in those beautiful mountains, so much that the neighboring village M. which still is closed to the gospel would see it and want this truth as well.
Neighboring Village T.
In our last Dinangat Mail we told you about the neighboring village T. and how many of them listened to false teaching and believed it. Almost all of them realized now that they had listened to a lie, but unfortunately one of the Bible Teachers is still very convinced about it and even talks about starting his own church. Only one of the other Bible Teachers is very faithful and strong in the truth, but it is very hard for him to be the only leader there right now. The Bible Teachers from our village S. want to go over there more often now to strengthen the young and insecure church. Please pray that the truth will have victory over lies and that love will reign and conquer what got broken over these last couple of months. And please pray for our Bible Teachers that they will have the time, energy and wisdom to help these believers over there.
While it is getting much colder where you are, it is still like summer over here. It just doesn’t feel like November at all. Good thing we have lots of pumpkins, cinnamon and hot chocolate… we do what we can! 🙂
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