Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
John 15:4
The Dinangat Church
A few weeks ago we heard the sad news that several believers from the second Dinangat church in T. listened to the lies of a visiting man and got baptized again with the hope that this time they would „truly“ receive the Holy Spirit and thereby also receive a better and easier life. Especially sad was that amongst those who listened were 2 of the 4 Bible Teachers. Thankfully one of those two is starting to understand that he was believing the lies of the devil himself who wants to lure them away from the truth. Please pray for those that believed those lies and that God would bring them back to His Truth. And please also pray for all other Dinangat believers that they would stay strong in the truth of God’s Word and abide in their Savior more and more.
Our Family
For already a month now we are living together as a family on the NTM Center in the highlands of PNG. We felt it was very important for us to be together for Naomi’s last school year before we will bring her back to Germany next June. She is now in 12th grade, Rebekka in 10th grade and Mimi in the 2nd grade here at the Numonohi Christian Academy at the NTM Center. They are all liking the school here a lot and even Mimi made the transition from German homeschool into the school here very well. We are just so thankful that we can be here together at this time after having been separated for so long.
Dinangat Bible Translation and Team

While living here at the NTM Center I (Ralf) continue to work full-time on translating the New Testament into the Dinangat language. Also Elli is helping as much as her role as a mom allows. A week ago I was able to be in Dinangat for a week to work on the translation with 3 of my Translation helpers.
It was good to be there also with our co-workers, the Markleys, who just recently got back from their Home Assignment and are now in Dinangat alone with their daughter Alayna while their older boys are in the dorm at the Center with our other co-workers, the Smiths, as their dorm parents. Please also pray for them that they would stay encouraged in their ministry and life as a separated family. And please also pray for the Smiths as they have taken on this huge ministry of taking care of 7 added teenagers to their family here at the Center.
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