We were so blessed to have two NTMPNG co-workers visit us in the village to help us to do the things we cannot do for ourselves. As a result, we have gone from living off the grid, to being plugged in to a world half a world away! Before we were just village grapevines being bypassed in an internet age.
One of our quick family meal is stir-fried vegetables with noodles. Since our vegetables are limited to what the people around us grow, this can lead to interesting combinations. I am fortunate that I have two eager sous chefs to help me slice and dice.
Traveling has a little different dynamic when there are no roads to get you there. This is a page from my journal about our trip back to the bush in the land of the unexpected after a year's absence!
Unless your car is severely overloaded or you are trying to catch a flight, I bet that you don’t think about weight and transportation at the same time. Do you know how much your computer bag weighs? How about all the groceries that you bought at the store last week? How about everyone in your […]
Tapiok, Manioka, Cassava, Yucca, and Tapioca are relatively all the same thing. It is a rooted plant that grows in the tropics around the world. You are probably most familiar with it in the dessert form of tapioca, those little pearl beads that you soak in water before using in a pudding or a thickener. […]
This morning it occurred to me again just how long life can take over here as I did some of my morning routine. For example, I don’t think that making coffee takes any longer here than in the States because we have an automatic coffee maker here in the guest house. However, other things do […]
Our son stood there, all soaped up and ready to rinse off. So we turned the faucet to on and watched a little dribble come trickling out to nothing. Uh-oh, the water tank was dry.
How do you say good-bye? Farewell? Until we meet again? Well in the Lusi language you identify who is staying and who is leaving. And since Lusi has a few more pronouns than English, you can be very specific about whether the person being talked to is included or not. We are getting ready to […]