As a parent, “oops” isn’t a word you usually want to hear. It probably means your child spilled mustard on their shirt or glued their fingers together. Or what if a friend starts a sentence by saying, “Oops, I forgot to tell you . . .” You probably can finish the sentence on your own by past experiences.
As you may recall, two new evangelistic Bible Studies were started after our departure.
A few weeks ago we asked the believers in the Philippines to give us an update concerning these two Bible Studies. The reply we received in Agutaynen could be translated into English as follows:
“Oops, we forgot to tell you . . . Jeffrey believed and has already been baptized!”
Now this kind of “oops” is one we like and would love to hear more often! Wouldn’t you?
Not only did we receive news concerning Jeffrey, but we also heard that the Bible Study at the Azuelo’s house has also finished with many professing Jesus Christ as their Savior.
It is a joy for us to receive pictures and see these new believers attending church and actively involved in distributing the typhoon relief goods.
Praise the Lord with us for this wonderful news.