So when Jesus had received the vinegar He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. John 19:30
Easter: It’s Good Friday as I type this update. Earlier today my mind went to SM Lockridge’s message, “It’s Friday but Sunday’s coming” – what a marvelous thing to know that our sin debt has been PAID IN FULL. “It is finished” was his last cry from the cross and three days later he rose from the dead! All for you and I – What amazing grace!
Someone asked the other day how the Higaunon celebrate Easter. The short answer is that we didn’t introduce holidays to these people; we introduced Christ to them and let them celebrate however they want. They choose to celebrate Him daily.
Scripture Translation: Last week I finished the initial comprehension checking of Ezra with my translation assistant Sansuwa. This week, we finished the final comprehension checking of 2nd Kings! Thank you for praying for these important tasks! We faced some challenges during the checking sessions but God gives wisdom to know how to translate. This doesn’t mean that 1st Kings is ready for printing – far from it. Ron has to go over the changes we made during the checking sessions, then we each have to read through it looking for anything that may have been missed.
SYIS: Laura and I have been involved in facilitating SYIS workshops for several years now. This coming week we are headed to Manila for a workshop at Campus Crusade for Christ. We have 22 participants registered. Most are from the Philippines but we have several coming from different countries. Please pray for safety for all those traveling and for a successful workshop.
Thank you: The Higaunon church wants the whole Bible translated in their language so they can read it for themselves. It’s a long and arduous process and there are no shortcuts. Your prayers and financial support make it possible for this to happen. Thank you so much.