We have packed our crates and our house is empty! Jacob and Stanley just dropped off our two crates at the wharf and they will head out on a ship called “Blue Ocean” on Oct 22nd. Thank you for your prayers in this daunting task! Now we wait… they will be shipped to Lae and then trucked to Goroka. Please pray for everything to arrive safely in a few weeks’ time! We fly back to Goroka tomorrow and we will get back into the Guesthouse Ministry and School for Jonathan. We are thankful! We got to pack during school break in the Sepik as well as do some fun things here with friends and Jacob’s dad!
We also wanted to mention a GREAT NEED at the center where we live:
After 15 years, many major components of the water system at our home office support center, have exceeded their expected lifespan. This vital system filters out iron, softens and chlorinates to disinfect the water and make it safe to drink. This system not only serves our support missionaries living here– 75 houses, a school, medical clinic, dental clinic and a guesthouse, but also the local community. Twenty-six to thirty percent of the water going through our water system benefits our neighbors, who are invited to bring containers to fill up for safe drinking water in their homes.
Our current chlorination system contains components that were designed for limited residential use, and it struggles to keep up with the current demand. The proposed new industrial system would be able to disinfect the water our community needs. In addition, the system would be upgraded with a modern controller, which will prevent shutdowns and malfunctions with warnings before damage is done instead of after, as is a problem with the current system. These warnings are important to prevent damage to systems and parts that are difficult to obtain and replace.
Our home center is currently stretched in its ability to provide clean water. Our center is operating with only one well, since the pump in the back-up well has failed, and an aging water system that is constantly needing replacement parts. This system demands regular supervision and maintenance. With the two key people able to operate and maintain the current system going on home assignment next year, time is critical. The upgraded water system will be more reliable and the operation and maintenance more manageable.
Will you help us replace the needed components of our water system so that we can continue to function well as a support center, providing vital services enabling those serving in tribal locations to plant churches?
Total needed: $83,000.