Have you ever read Psalm 119 and wondered how David could have been so “in love” with God’s commandments?
- Ps 119:97 I love your law
- Ps 119:127 I love your laws above gold, above fine gold.
- Ps 119:128 Your laws are wonderful, therefore I keep them.
David is talking about the Mosaic Law here. The 612 laws and regulations that the people of Israel were commanded to adhere to. The very law that Galatians 5 describes as “a yoke of slavery” (Gal 5:1) The law described in Romans 8:2 as “the law of sin and death.” So, how could David find so much joy in this law?
As I read this passage the same day that I read Romans 8, I think David was living by what Paul describes in Romans 8:2 “The law of the Spirit of Life” and not by “the law of sin and death.” What is “the law of the Spirit of life?”
Paul goes on describe what “the law of the Spirit of Life” is.
- Rom 8:3-5 The law of sin and death could not make man righteous. “But, what the law of sin and death could not do, God did, by sending his Son to fulfill the righteous requirements of that law.”
- Rom 8:5-7 Those who live in the flesh, have their minds set on what the flesh desires. The law of sin and death applies to the flesh. The mind set on the flesh will only produce death.
- Rom 8:5-7 In contrast, those who set their minds on what the Spirit desires, will find that it brings life and peace.
The difference between the law of sin and death, and the law of the Spirit of life, is our mindset! When the motivation to follow the law is duty, and obligation, it’s fleshly work, and according to Rom 8:7 the flesh will never submit to God’s law, in fact, it can not submit. That’s why living according to “the law of sin and death” is so much work!
But, when the mind is set on what the Spirit desires, obeying can be a joy. That is what made David so different. It was his mindset that made God’s law so enjoyable to him. The motivation for David was out of love, joy, delight, setting his mind and heart of what the Spirit desires. With his mind set on what the Spirit desired, he found obeying and following what God wanted became like honey to his mouth (Psalm 119:103).
So, how does following God’s law/word become enjoyable?
- 2 Cor 5:14 He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who for their sake died and was raised.
- Eph 3:17-19 Christ dwelling in our hearts by faith… comprehending the height, depth, length, breadth of His love.. coming to know his love that passes knowledge so that we will be filled with all the fullness of God.
and where does that come from?
Psalm 119:97 I love your law, it’s my meditation ALL DAY
Psalm 119:98 Your commandment IS EVER WITH ME
Psalm 119:99 Your testimonies are MY MEDITATION
Psalm 119:111 Your testimonies are my heritage forever. they are the JOY OF MY HEART.
My prayer for you today is that you will begin to comprehend the love of God that is beyond understanding. That you will fall in love with God and His word. And that will motivate you to not live for yourself, but to live in such a way that it will lead others to want to know the love of God too.