After so many years of preparing and planning, it’s really happening! Tomorrow, our family will be moving into a village in the Amdu tribe to begin our ministry among this still unreached group of people!! Even though it sometimes seems unreal that this actually is happening, the stress and busyness from the preparation reminds us […]
Thank you for praying for our family as we have been waiting for our baby Micah’s PNG entry permit/visa. It arrived a few days ago and now we are on our way back to PNG!!!! We are thankful for our time in Australia, but we are very excited to get back “home” to PNG and […]
At the moment, our son Micah is a boy without a country! But that will change soon. We came here to Australia from PNG for his birth instead of going all the way back to the US. Even though he was born in Australia, he’s not an Australian and he will not officially be a […]
Survey Update From September 25th – October 3rd, Bart, Benjamin and Dave (the men on our team) hiked rugged mountain trails in order to visit many of the villages in the language group that our team is targeting. The goal was to share with the people the work that New Tribes Mission does and gauge […]
We have been without reliable internet for the past 6 weeks. Now that we are back in internet-land, we wanted to share our latest newsletter with those of you who are not on our email update list. Exciting things are happening for our team! We have gotten the green light from our leadership to move […]
Right now we are in the thick of making tons of decisions with our team about our future tribal church planting ministry! Will you please pray for our team as we discuss a myriad of different topics that are vital to the goal of seeing a church planted among an unreached tribal group? We made […]
For several years now (dating back to our time in the New Tribes training in Jersey Shore, PA and then also in Missouri) we have been asking the Lord to provide a good team for us to join in this effort to take the Gospel to a tribe of people who are still unreached. We […]
For those of you who are not on our email update list, here is the link to our current newsletter which is a brief look back at 2011, news of what is ahead for us, some current prayer requests and pictures of our boys. Thanks for reading! January 2012 newsletter-web