This isn’t a ministry update… then again, it is. Read on…
Bill writes: About 41 years ago, this kid (me) asked his best friend, who also happened to be the most beautiful girl he’d ever met (Donna), to marry him and she said yes. A year later we got married and started the most amazing adventure together: 40 years and counting.
40 years. We can hardly believe it, yet looking back we see the evidence that we’ve done four decades worth of living…
Two beautiful daughters, a couple of awesome sons-in-law, and the world’s cutest grandchildren.
A life full of memories and joy.
And the Word of God in the Palawano language.
We started out with two things we were not going to let go of: God, and each other. And while it’s not always been easy or even fun (life never is), it has been awesome, and worth it all. And mostly fun! We called everything we went through “adventures.” And like hobbits, we knew that adventures can sometimes be uncomfortable–and sometimes they were. They might even make us late for dinner–and they often did. But they were also delightful.
The photo is our wedding invitation photo taken in San Clemente Canyon January 2, 1976. And even that was an adventure. I was home on an all-too-short Christmas break, we were planning a wedding, and we each had one parent in the hospital. We were late for dinner a few times.
40 years. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I can’t, of course, but I will sign up for another 40.
I thank God every day for this beautiful woman and the life God has given us… now, looking back… and looking ahead. I am blessed.
Happy Anniversary, Donna! It’s been a wonderful life and there’s much more to come.
Sam Seligman says
Small world. No, not that I was hiking San Clemente Canyon a few days ago, but that I saw your blog.
Would you mind sending your mailing address? Much has happened since we broke bread at Tia Maria’s in Greenhills oh, about 34 years ago.
Small world, indeed.