He who calls you is faithful, 1 Thessalonians 5:24 (NKJV)
(This should have been posted in early February.)
At the airport
Before we left our Oklahoma home, we asked God to use us along the way to be a blessing to others. As we were leaving the TSA line at the airport, God put Tasa in our path. Not having flown very much, she was a bit stressed. As we shared with her, we found out that she is a strong believer. What a joy it was to pray with her and encourage her.
Having arrived two hours early at our gate, we decided to do some walking. As we passed by some airline ground crew, we overheard one of them say jokingly, “somebody hates me!” That was a comment we couldn’t ignore. And so we met Jana who has worked for the airlines for 31 years. One of her prayer requests was that she wanted to understand the Bible better. So we shared the link to The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. Since then, she has texted several times and commented that she is enjoying the book. In her last text, she mentioned that she needed the blessing we were to her.
In Manila
Here we purposely extended our time to visit long-time friends at their church. We had a
wonderful time with the Perkins and others at their coffee shop, The Cup of Faith. After the church service, we spent time praying with several people.
Our flight to Mindanao was around noon on January 30th, and we made it safely to the guesthouse in time for the evening meal.
The next few days we busied ourselves with shopping, packing, and visiting with long-time friends.
Friday morning we headed to the hangar for our flight into the village. Click here to view the approach to the village.
Into the village
We fully expected to unpack everything at our house and get settled in. Little did we know that termites had been very busy over the past two and a half years. So, we are staying at our coworker’s house. It’s convenient that Ron and Michelle are on their home assignment until June. They are graciously allowing us to live in their home. As we wait for building supplies to be flown in, Lance has been working on the initial checking of Ecclesiastes.
Thank you
Thank you so much for your partnership in prayer and financial support.
As you can see from this update, God has once again shown His faithfulness. Yes, He who calls you is faithful! Praise the Lord with us.
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance & Laura
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