Flu has bombarded the Hodges house. In His graciousness, He allowed Chuck to be well while I have been sick. Kids have all taken their turn with it too. I *think* and pray that I may actually be recovering now as I write this, but it is slower than I would prefer. Almost everyone is hacking and coughing, we sound like chain smokers, ha! The unfortunate (from our perspective) change was several ministry meetings had to be postponed due to our illness. God is teaching us that He will do His work, even when we are sick. He doesn’t “need” our work to do His will, and He definitely gets all the glory when we are solely dependent on Him. Thank you Lord! Your ways are higher than ours.
Ministry Update
God is bringing us donors! We are so humbled and grateful for those who are already supporting us financially; God is laying His ground work with some of His amazing children! We are currently 15% funded for our monthly support. Our field assignments are already waiting for us in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Would you like to join our team? Financially supporting our family is a Kingdom investment for you. Please ask the Lord if He wants you to steward some of His resources toward our ministry. Giving online is easy at Chuck and Megan Hodges – Ethnos360.
Donor funding beginning now is very important for us. Resources that come in from now until we leave for PNG goes into an account to save for our travel expenses (approximately $10,000) and if you choose to bless us with a commitment of monthly giving, it helps us realize our monthly budget goals for advancing the Gospel in the field. We need $8,874 each month to support our family. Our minimum threshold to be permitted to go is $6,655 (75%). Thank you for considering how you can contribute to people hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the very first time in Papua New Guinea!

Inside the missionary school (Numonohi Christian Academy).

A little taste of where we will be living! Lots of green!

The medical clinic.
Prayer Requests
- Health recovery in God’s timing and from His healing hands
- God to bring His people who want to invest in His work through our ministry
- Upcoming trip to Texas to visit family and friends
- For fruit of the Spirit to be evident in our children’s hearts
- Visa paperwork to process in God’s timing
- Wisdom in regard to some issues with my immunization history
- To redeem the time and faithfully invest into our kids, not being distracted by anything less worthy