Of mattress shopping and leftover donuts
Mattress shopping and leftover donuts don’t have much in common but hang on, here are one of those happenings in life that you just can’t plan. Mattress shopping: We have had a few visitors to our home since moving here, and it just so happens that one of them who came a few years ago […]
She should have died!
The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. Psalm 126:3
Chris’ testimony
Sansuwà (a.k.a. Chris since that is easier for you to pronounce) was a son of the witch doctor. He had joined the rebel movement as a young man and was living with his wife near her parents and under the influence of the rebels. In late 1983 he moved back to his home village and […]
Please pray!
A week ago after the Sunday morning service the church here sent out a survey team. They are visiting villages, looking for places that are open to hearing the gospel and being taught the Word of God.
Please pray!
First of all, thank you so much for praying for us over this past month. We have seen God at work in our lives and we are very thankful for all He is doing. Once again this passage comes to mind: 1Thessalonians 5:23-24 “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may […]
Lots to trust Him for…
News from the village: In North America, people think of a zip line as something to do for fun. In the village, Ron has been working together with some of the men on a zip line that will help them cross the river when it is flooded. We have had different bridges […]
Over the past several months, Bible teachers from our village have been hiking 5 hours to another village where people had asked that someone come and teach them. That village had heard from people in our village that they had the “message of life” and they wanted to know more! We reported about this in […]