In less than one hundred days – ninety-eight, to be precise – our family will depart the City of Spokane in order to travel to Chihuahua, Mexico. That’s only three months and one week left to go… crazy!
Our family has some very exciting news to share with you! As we teach our children about the Lord, we have watched Elayne in particular grow in understanding of her need for God’s mercy. She had come to understand that she was separated from God because of her sin – that the Bible stories we […]
As we continue preparing for moving to Mexico, Amy and I are excited to take part in a couple upcoming missions conferences! Our primary goal while in the States is missions education: we love sharing stories of the Gospel proclaimed, and God’s purpose in His missions plan for every church and believer! Missions conferences are […]
July 9th, 2014. Looking at my calendar, I see that July 9th will be a Wednesday this year. It’s the 190th day of the year and the 19th day of (official) summer. It will mark the births of OJ Simpson, Tom Hanks, Courtney Love, and Fred Savage… as well as that of a plumber named […]
I definitely considered it, you know. I considered writing a big, misleading introduction to this post… filled with legitimate information, too! I’d have told you all about about the importance of church planting teams, how choosing co-workers is like getting married, and how much we depend on teammates in support ministries. In fact, don’t be […]
In Luke 8, Jesus teaches a great crowd of people about God’s Word, using a parable as was so often His habit: A sower went out to sow his seed. And as as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell […]
In last week’s post, we shared that God had brought our partnership team up to 60% of our recommended field budget. While there is still some way to go, we have come very close to official permission to make travel plans! Beyond that, we also saw God removing several imposing obstacles: simplifying the logistics of […]
One year ago, our family began working full-time to find partners for extending the Gospel further into Mexico. We knew then that we would be required to raise 75% of our recommended budget before we’d be allowed to make travel plans… and that financial goal seemed a very long distance from where we stood! How […]
Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth How can I keep from singing? Each week as we light another Advent candle, Elayne and Titus get more excited! Titus guesses that every candle is to remember the ‘Prophets’, and Elayne remembers the second candle as the “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” one… while remaining absolutely […]