During the month of July we continued helping our teammates with the construction work of the house in which we plan to live in the indigenous community. We started looking for sandbanks in the Orteguaza River. Where we could take out a lot of bags of sand and transport them to the community. The water reached up to our waists. Already in the community we mixed it with cement to lay the floor and also bind the brick blocks. We thank God for using members of our teammates church who participated helping us in this missionary work.
A group from the church of our team members came to help us, giving us a major boost in putting up the roof and finishing the concret floor.
Left: Hans mixing cement with the help of Yisella, our Koreguaje friend in the community. Right. Helping to place the roof tiles.
While Hans applied paint to protect the wood, the children wanted to get involved and ended up helping in the most difficult areas.
Of course, with parental supervision.
This October, once the wood was obtained, we were able to put up the walls of the house. A lot of measuring, cutting and screwing.
Thank The Lord we managed to accomplish that goal! Now we need to put up the walls inside the house, build the kitchen and the bathroom. At least we’ll have a place to stay in for now.
Surely we will have the opportunity to advance much further when we can live among the Koreguaje people, but we have been accumulating vocabulary and making an effort to develop phrases. We have some Koreguaje friends in the city and from time to time we can visit them. When we have the opportunity to travel, we visit other Koreguaje friends in the villages in the middle of the jungle.
Learning culture and language includes try and taste. Being with them while learning the vocabulary in the context and the activities they do regularly. Anyway, it was delicious, so it’s not difficult to enjoy their meals.
You can watch a video of how Liliana learns, doing activities related to culture and language, by following this link: https://youtu.be/hhUht16xGn8
– May the Lord give us the ability that come from Him to learn the Koreguaje language.
– Let us continue praying for the Lord’s care as we plan to spend longer periods of time in the area.
– For being freed from cultural misunderstandings as we relate to people in their own environment.
– We appreciate the harmony in the interaction with our teammates and ask for the Lord’s guidance to strengthen our bond and our teamwork.
A.A. 16569
Bogota, Colombia
Want to support us?: Phone contact: 866-547-2460
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312 West First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771-1231 (To the order of Ethnos360 with a note: for the ministry of Hans and Liliana Frank)
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